However, once you’ve taken a few courses, you’ll probably realize how useful these suggestions are and how you can use them to improve your learning. Even with a language as close to English as German, learning a language can take some time.
For beginners, learning some aspects of German may be easier than learning a Romance language, but that doesn’t mean learning German is easy. One way to start improving is to monitor your progress, but courses are not a natural way to learn.
Whether you learn German in a classroom or not, you can still make progress by using other, more organic methods. The following ten tips will help you speak German more easily.
1. Know your expectations for learning
You should first understand why you want to learn a language, not the language itself. Determine the goals of your educational experience. This may be due to language requirements on the course, travel abroad or simply personal interest.
Whatever your motivation for learning German, this should be your main consideration when learning the language. If you’re learning German for a holiday rather than for work or school, your approach will be very different.
2. Apps make daily learning easier
With so many apps available these days, there’s no reason not to practice German every day, it’s one of the best things about learning a language.
You can even switch between different language learning apps as there are many available. Variety makes the learning process more enjoyable, and you can use a variety of metrics to track your progress. Whatever fits your day, pay attention to teaching, phrasing, or vocabulary.
3. Listening is learning
Communicating in German can be uncomfortable, especially at the beginning. This is partly your fault because you don’t fully understand what people are talking about.
You can’t even stand the pronunciation of the language. In this case, listening to audiobooks, podcasts, and music can be very helpful. The ability to listen is as important as the ability to speak German. Plus, listening passively is much more fun than trying to speak first.
Build confidence when listening so that when you talk to a language partner, you’re more likely to understand what’s being said.
4. Partners make learning more fun
There is little point in learning a language on your own, but many people do it anyway. Finding a language learning partner can help you overcome your fear of foreign languages. This could be a native speaker, a student in your class, or someone in the language learner community.
A language exchange partner not only makes communicating in German easier, but also helps you track your development. After a few months to a year, you can have a more in-depth conversation. This can help you gain confidence over time and motivate you to continue learning.
5. Accept your mistakes and learn
No one expects you to speak perfectly from the beginning. No matter how long you study the language, many native speakers won’t keep you up to par. However, most of us skip this step because we are afraid of making mistakes.
In fact, mistakes are a great teaching tool. These are your opportunities to learn in a more memorable way. When you’re a little more confident, you’ll be better able to remember the lessons you learned from your mistakes.
6. Feeling uncomfortable means you’re learning
Speaking a language is the only way to learn a language. At first, it’s very uncomfortable because you know you’re going to make mistakes. Over time, you may notice a slight increase in comfort. This is where people really stop learning.
When learning German, you need to constantly push yourself outside of your comfort zone to avoid getting stuck. When you feel more confident, it’s a good sign that you’re moving out of the zone. When you start to show confidence, know that you have to work harder.
7. Have a short conversation with yourself
Start talking out loud to yourself and really get out of your comfort zone. Most of us talk to ourselves, often without realizing it. You must now begin to consciously speak to yourself in a language you do not yet know. The conversation doesn’t have to be long or difficult. Talking about what you are doing may be enough.
Talk about the colors of different ingredients while preparing meals in the kitchen. Describe what you do to get ready for bed. To make it fun, make it a short report about your day. Your dog or cat can talk to you in German. This will help you talk to someone more easily without having to worry about what they think of your German skills.
8. Learn 100 words as quickly as possible
The first step is to learn the alphabet and the sounds of each letter. Once you know how to pronounce individual letters and letter sequences, all you need is a vocabulary list.
Make a list of 100 German words you want to learn. This will take you a few days. Make a realistic plan for the number of words you want to learn each week. A list of words you want to learn can help you measure your progress.
Although having a vocabulary provides a foundation for using learned words, vocabulary knowledge does not mean that a person has learned a language.
9. Don’t be afraid to start over – use books and TV for kids
Ideal resources for learning a new language are children’s television programs and books. They are written at a much simpler level than textbooks and lectures.
Children’s TV shows and books take a more organic approach, activating the synapses that were active when you started learning English. It’s also easier to find out which words you know and which words you don’t. By listening to children learn words, you can learn basic vocabulary that you may need in everyday conversations.
You are more likely to remember or be able to remember something better when you hear it when the context is easier to understand.
10. Talk to native speakers
The most difficult skill on this list is speaking with a native speaker because it requires you to step outside your comfort zone and vocabulary. However, the best way to learn the language is to talk to someone who speaks German fluently.
You can’t learn German better than a native speaker through courses, apps or programs. Finding native English speakers is no longer that difficult these days, and they are usually happy to help you learn. In return, you help them learn English. The most effective way to learn a language and gain confidence is through this mutually beneficial language exchange.
Learning German can be intimidating and overwhelming because it contains so many rules. This tip will help you develop the stamina you need. These guides are designed to help you develop the confidence and inspiration to continue learning.
final thoughts
These are the most effective and simple steps you can take to improve your German learning skills. Likewise, joining Boundless can provide you with the training and knowledge you need to become a pro-German speaker. Go ahead and use these tips to improve your German easily and effectively.